Friday, March 8, 2013

five minute fridays...home

Five Minute Friday
i love five minute fridays. i love them but i don't do them nearly as much as i should.

but today i'm following lisa-jo's lead and i'm taking 5 minutes to do what i love to do...write. so here goes...5 minutes, no editing, no over-thinking, no plan...



as i grow older home doesn't mean the same thing to me anymore. sure it means family, and memories and being able to be yourself in a world that constantly tries to change you, but home means more to me now.

with each growing year my heart longs for something more. it longs for my final home. it longs to be with my Lord and Savior.

my heart sees home as Heaven now. i see home as Jesus.

there are days that i wish Heaven would hurry. i wish to leave the craziness of this world behind.

but something always stops me. something always tells me there's more work to be done.

there's a world of hurting people that need help. there's a world of hurting people who haven't met Jesus. there's a world of hurting people that need to know...they need to know that they don't have to walk around hurting. that they can have peace. that they can be ok.

so even while my hearts longs for my eternal home, i understand that there's still work to be done.

there are still porches of people's souls that need to be swept. still dirty laundry that needs to be cleaned out of lives. and still weeds that need to be pulled out of people's hearts.

yeah there's a lot of work to be done first before i go home. so much work to be done.

but i'm ready. as much as i'm ready to be home, i'm ready to make sure everyone else is coming home with me too.


  1. This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing this, I have had similar thoughts and feeling. We continue to fight the fight, He is waiting at the end of this crazy road to welcome us to our ultimate Home. Praise the Lord!

  2. This is beautiful and so relevant for me. Thank you for the reminder that there is still work to be done here before we experience the beauty of Heaven!

  3. Great post Colleen. Thank you for your perspective. Your words: "there are still porches of people's souls that need to be swept. still dirty laundry that needs to be cleaned out of lives. and still weeds that need to be pulled out of people's hearts." Love them.

  4. So true! I long for home, but I don't want to go alone, too.

  5. Wow!! Such a great post! I loved reading your perspective on this.


Keep your eyes on Jesus

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