Sunday, October 8, 2017

when God asks us to wait

have you ever been in a fast food drive-thru and been asked to pull over? to wait a little longer on an order you thought you'd waited on long enough? you'd already sat there as car after car in front of you took forever to order, took forever to pay, took forever to get their food and yet YOU had to pull over?

and you immediately got frustrated. because you didn't see anyone else pulling over. you didn't see anyone else getting singled out. you didn't see anyone else being asked to wait.

and you sat there counting the minutes. you got consumed by the seconds. you started focusing on everyone else getting through the line. getting their order. getting what they wanted.

and the longer you waited, the angrier you got. you started wondering if they had forgotten you. you started wondering if they could see you. you started wondering if they even remembered you were out there at all.

we are a people who don't like to wait. we aren't happy about being patient. we don't want to be told to hold.

we want what we want when we want it.

it's the same when God asks us to pull over. when He asks us to wait a little longer.

when He asks us to hold on a little more.

we see all the ones who didn't have to wait. all the ones getting what they asked for. all the ones going by and leaving us behind.

and we start wondering if God forgot us. if He sees us. if He even remembers we're out there at all.

and we start getting frustrated. we start getting angry. we start feeling it wasn't fair we were asked to wait. that we were the ones asked to hold on. because that's not what we want.

we aren't interested in the process...we're interested in the progress.

and all we can see is the wait.

and we hate it.

we don't see the value in it.

we live in a fast food world and have turned God into a fast food God.

and He's not moving fast enough for us.

but God's not interested in fast. He's interested in faith. we may not see the value in the wait but He does. His time frame is not our time frame. He may ask us to wait years for what we think should have already been done.

and that's hard for us. and sometimes feels impossible.

but it's not about us. it's not about what we want.

it's about Him. it's about what He's trying to do.

because while we think the wait is worthless, God knows it's worthwhile. 

no one likes to wait. the Bible is full of stories of people who waited a long time for a promise to come to pass.

but it ALWAYS came to pass.

God may ask us to wait. we may be the one He asks to hold on. but His Word is always backed with His promise.

and His promise guarantees what He's doing during the wait...will always be something worth waiting for.

~~~ keep the faith ~~~

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

"I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in His Word I put my hope." Psalm 130:5

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